@ckSn@k your brand
AckSnak@gmail.com 702.349.4809

AckSnak can develop and implement a strategic, highly targeted, relatively inexpensive ad campaign.
We will boost your Social Media Posts, Promote your Existing Ads, and Drive Traffic to your Facebook Page and Website.
AckSnak will help to design and develop impactful ad copy, test, monitor daily, tweak, and optimize your ads to ensure maximum effectiveness.
We will provide detailed analytics concerning Impressions, Reach, Engagement, Views, Clicks, Likes, Reaction, as well as Age and Gender Demographics.
AckSnak will deliver a set number of impressions and reach a maximum number of unique viewers each month.
Our quoted rate includes the initial set-up and monthly maintenance fee.
The delivery, reach numbers, and costs are infinitely scalable.
Value Proposition
A Facebook Ad Campaign is much less expensive and much more effective than Billboards, Television, or Radio Ads.
Unlike those one-dimensional platforms, Facebook Advertising enables and facilitates instant feedback from the targeted audience or viewers.
Facebook analytic tools enable us to assess the level of engagement and audience response to an ad within a few hours of its posting.
Billboards, Television, and Radio Ads indiscriminately convey a general message to all who happen to be in the geo limited area. Equivalent to WWII carpet bombing, it’s hit or miss.
Conversely, AckSnak, an expert Facebook advertiser, can deliver a tailored message, with laser like precision, directly to strategically targeted potential shoppers, anywhere.